Truyo 6.3.0 Release notes


SMTP settings for MSO365 OAuth ()

  • New settings for organizations using MSO365 OAuth.
    • Dropdown selection on the email settings page to select basic SMTP or MSO365 .

Vendor option to send the email and auto close the task (10977)

  • Add/edit a vendor and select if you just want to notify them of the task and close it.
    • This will automatically generate a conditional output for the vendor and accept the task.

Reopen a task on an open request (11095)

  • Ability for an Admin or Compliance Manager to re-open a task as long as the request is still open.

Download request related data for Truyo (11096)

  • Download request related information for further reporting
    • Link at the bottom of the reports page will open another page for you to select the Date range you want for the report.
    • The report will be emailed to the person who initiated the report for download.
    • Report can only be ran once per 24 hours.

Allow commas in Brand names (11160)

  • Commas will be available in the Brand creation steps.

System/task owner bulk reassignment when deleting a user (11094)

  • Note will be shown to remind you to assign a new user to the system before deleting the current user.
    • This will automatically assign the new user to the open tasks for this system.

Sequencing workflow includes NAND option (11024)

  • System A gets a task first. If accepted then no further tasks are created.
  • System A gets a task first. If rejected then tasks will be created for all other systems.

Remove redundant popups from consent (11245)

  • Topic update and Delete Cookie popups have been removed.

Reminder message when adding a new regulation or request type (11093)

  • Reminder message will display letting the user know to update the system settings when adding a new regulation or request type to ensure no orphaned tasks are caused by not having a system assigned.

Assessment improvements

  • Generation of System Security Plan for CMMC Assessments
  • ISO27001 framework assessment is now included

Security Updates:

Ongoing security updates: 

  • As part of our ongoing aggressive and proactive security plan, we have continued to increase security around the platform.
    • To date, there have been no confirmed attacks related to the issues updated.

Infrastructure Updates:

Enabling WAF in all lower environments (10403)

Bug Fixes:

Fixing PHP depreciated values (11031)

Unable to toggle field level data fetch options (11158)

Languages selection will display in the correct language on the consumer portal (11113)

Custom CSS not working for other languages (11112)

Sub Brand portal

Hot Fixes:

Updates fixed to release 6.2.0

Consumer can’t disable”Sale Cookie” without first disabling “Advertising cookies” (11111)

Sub Brand portal are re-directing to the login page when guest mode is enabled (11190)

Spanish accent letters are appearing as symbols when emails are sent out. (11191)

APC settings only showing if an organization has parent only org set (11207)

Upcoming Features:

Infrastructure update

  • Updating: Spring Cloud, Spring Boot, JDK, Swagger/JUNIT fixes, and related components

Compliance reports – embedded

  • The ability for an organization to embed compliance reports to public-facing web pages

Pre categorization of cookies

  • The ability for the cookie scanner to “best guess” cookie category

Assessment Improvements

  • SSP generation for CMMC
  • Enhanced ISO framework assessments
  • “Scan” framework assessments for potential cross population

Email template editor

  • More robust template editing and viewing

Verification questions

  • More robust verification question system, allowing different questions based on request type, request origin and other attributes.  Including conditional question support and answer formatting, as well as required fields.

Data Privacy Assessment Editor

  • Ability for an organization to customize questions