Update Task statuses and filtering option on the Task and Request views (10628)
- Updated the Tasks to show more detailed status of the task
- Tasks status include Pending, In Progress, Accepted and Rejected
- Sorting on the Task view page has been updated to show Tasks associated with open requests and account for archived tasks
- filter all tasks associated with an open request
- Pending, In Progress, Accepted, and Rejected will be visible
- Completed tasks associated with a closed request will also be visible in the Accepted or Rejected filter
- filter all tasks associated with an open request
Colorado Data Privacy Act now has the Do Not Sell request available (10639)
- This request has a default SLA of 15 days and has it’s own SLA selection
Filtering by regulation to the Requests created report (10647)
- The request created report is updated to allow filtering by regulation
- Update the Extensions report to reflect the week the request was extended in instead of the date the original request was created for better clarity
Some assessments (Privacy Policy and some others) to allow “Pre-fill” from previous assessment (10630)
- Some assessments will have the ability to “pre-fill” a new assessment with answers from the previous assessment.
Improved naming convention for regulations
- Updated the product to reflect improved terminology regarding the requests as they pertain to each regulation
Default settings for SalesForce Quiklink tables (10213)
- This update automatically looks for known tables within salesforce that have PII to reduce the initial setup and scanning time
- The product also allows you to add additional tables specific to your instance to the list of fields to be scanned for data
Security Updates:
Ongoing security updates: (None needed in this release)
- As part of our ongoing aggressive and proactive security plan, we have continued to increase security around the platform.
- To date, there have been no confirmed attacks related to the issues updated.
Infrastructure Updates:
None in this release
Bug Fixes:
Hot Fixes:
Better redirect for request form only organizations (10660)
Upcoming Features:
Infrastructure update
- Updating: Spring Cloud, Spring Boot, JDK, Swagger/JUNIT fixes, and related components
Compliance reports – embedded
- The ability for an organization to embed compliance reports to public-facing web pages
Pre categorization of cookies
- The ability for the cookie scanner to “best guess” cookie category
Assessment Improvements
- SSP generation for CMMC
- “Scan” framework assessments for potential cross population
- Support for flagging questions to specific users
Expansion of Framework assessments
- Support for over 100 different assessments based on standards
- Support for common controls framework also strict adherence to other framework types
Email template editor
- More robust template editing and viewing
Verification questions
- More robust verification question system, allowing different questions based on request type, request origin and other attributes. Including conditional question support and answer formatting, as well as required fields.
Data Privacy Assessment Editor
- Ability for an organization to customize questions