Upcoming Regulations:
- Added support for new data privacy regulations (New Hampshire, New England, and Nebraska).
Vendor Assessment Directive:(13600)
- Introduced options for organizations to automatically trigger vendor assessments:
- Upon completion of a web scan, looking for AI references.
- Upon creation of the vendor record.
UI Update for Systems and Vendors (13762):
- Systems Management and Vendor Management are now distinct menu items for improved navigation.
Vendor Manager Role (13763):
- New role added to manage all vendor-related tasks and processes.
Alphabetical Listing of Systems on Request Rework Page (13777):
- Systems are now displayed in alphabetical order for easier identification and navigation.
Multiple Contacts for Systems and Vendors (13751):
- Groups can now be created and assigned to systems or vendors, enabling collaborative task management:
- All group members receive notifications for new tasks.
- Any group member can update assigned tasks.
- Group membership can be easily managed from the group creation page.
Reason Selection for Request Extensions (12041):
- Organizations can now configure reasons for extension requests:
- Extension reasons can be managed under Configure > Request Extension Reasons.
- A toggle to enable this feature is located under Configure > Regulations and Features > Request Processing.
Auto Translation Toggle (13587):
- New toggle added to activate or deactivate email auto-translation through AI
- Available under Configure > Regulations and Features > Requester Portal.
AI Use Case Assignment on the Web Scan Page:
- Added functionality to assign AI use cases to web scan results directly.
Cookie Auto-Scan Alert (13785):
- Alerts are now generated when new cookies are detected, including details such as the cookie name and domain.
Security Updates:
- No specific updates in this release.
Infrastructure Updates:
- No infrastructure updates included in this release.
Bug Fixes:
- Resolved issue preventing AI managers from navigating the AI Governance Module (13818).
Hot Fixes (Version 7.7.0)
- Fixed cases where essential cookies were being unintentionally deleted (13858).
- Resolved issue where SSO users could not access the left navigation bar (13879).
Upcoming Features
Infrastructure Upgrade:
- Planned upgrades to core components including Spring Cloud, Spring Boot, JDK, Swagger/JUNIT, and other elements to enhance performance and security.
Assessment Improvements:
- Enhanced data mapping capabilities.
- Improved verification questions tailored to request type, origin, and attributes.
- Introduction of customizable assessment questions within the Data Privacy Assessment module.
User Roles and Permissions Update:
- More granular role-based permissions for better access control.
SharePoint Content Scanning:
- Upcoming support for content scanning within SharePoint.
UI/UX Enhancements:
- Ongoing updates to refine and improve the user experience.
Hierarchical Data Handling in Scramble Jobs:
- Enhanced processing capabilities for hierarchical data types in scramble jobs.