Truyo Product Release Version 7.5.0


Egnyte Delete Workflow (11192)

  • Added functionality for Truyo to pull data from the Egnyte system during a delete request to determine what needs to be deleted.

AI Web Scanning update (13426)

  • Websites are automatically scanned upon creation

Discussion comments section added to the Task details page (13490)

  • Comments available on the task details page for discussions between system owners.
  • Available for the Admin, Compliance Manager, Compliance Officer and Approvers.

AI Scorcard (13239)

  • Framework used to evaluate and measure the performance, effectiveness, and reliability of an artificial intelligence usage within the organization.

Github Token Masked (13422)

  • The token for Github is now a masked field.

Salesforce and HubSpot Content Scanning (12876, 12877)

  • Enabled AI-generated content scanning in Salesforce and HubSpot.
  • Supported file types: PDF, TXT, RTF, and DOCX.

Assessment Manager Export Capability (11373)

  • Enhanced data management with new export functionality in the Assessment Manager.

Vendor Task Reassignment Automation (12292)

  • Automatically reassign related tasks to a new vendor owner when the vendor contact changes.
  • Dropdown lists now display vendors with matching setups; ensure the new vendor’s email is updated for notifications.

Ethics and Principles Assessments Limitation (12987)

  • Limited to one Ethics and Principles assessment per instance.
  • Removed unnecessary pagination, “Add New” button, and search box.

AI Policy Template Integration (13178)

  • Automated population of AI usage policy email template with information from completed AI notice assessments.

AI Training Metrics (13489)

  • Provided the ability for training data to be either be a direct integration or a manual file upload from an LMS export

Customizable Content Scanning Threshold (13220)

  • Users can now set the content confidence threshold above or below the default 77%.

Assessment Name Size Increase (13296)

  • Expanded the “name” element to handle up to 100 characters for more descriptive naming.

Alerts Dropdown Cleanup (13337)

  • Removed two unused alert items for better clarity.

HTML Source code editing in Email templates (13217)

  • Restored the ability to view and edit email templates in source code/HTML.

AI User Permissions Update (13376)

  • AI users can now initiate use cases.

Source Code Scanning Terminology Update (13418)

  • Updated “Data Source” to “Repository” in the source code scanning interface.

Metrics Graph Wording Update (13472)

  • Clarified messaging on metrics graphs to reduce confusion.

Custom Configuration for FTP Connectors (13307)

  • Enabled backend configuration for specific client use cases.

Scramble Job Batch Size Fields Restriction (12195)

  • Restricted batch size fields to numeric inputs only.

Scramble Jobs Default Values and Constraints (12404)

  • Introduced standard default values and constraints for scramble job fields:
    • Scramble Batch Size: 7000 | Constraint: 1000 – 20000
    • Copy Batch Size: 7000 | Constraint: 1000 – 20000
    • Delete Batch Size: 7000 | Constraint: 1000 – 20000
    • Number of Threads: 2 | Constraint: 1 – 50

Editable Scramble Jobs (12407)

  • Introduced a DRAFT state for unscheduled jobs, allowing for edits before finalizing.

Respect Ignore/Continue Decisions in Scramble PreCheck (12406)

  • PreCheck will now respect user decisions to ignore/continue discrepancies, avoiding repeated warnings.

Mobile App Consent Metrics Tab and Reports (13297)

  • Introduced opt-in/opt-out metrics for mobile app consent.

Bazaarvoice Quiklink Connector (13306)

  • Added support for Access Requests (Data Fetch) and Delete Requests in Bazaarvoice Quiklink.
  • Implemented asynchronous calls for data fetch, with results downloadable as a zip file.

Security Updates

  • No security updates are included in this release.

Infrastructure Updates

  • No infrastructure updates are included in this release.

Bug Fixes

i19next Configuration Debug Mode Issue (13363)

  • Resolved an issue where the i19next configuration was incorrectly set to debug mode.

Cookie Popup Customization Issue (13368)

  • Fixed issues related to cookie popup customization.

Privacy Center Popup WCAG and ADA Compliance (13387)

  • Improved WCAG and ADA compliance for the Privacy Center popup.

Opt-in/Opt-outs Metrics Dropdown Issue (13409)

  • Fixed a display issue where the domain dropdown for opt-in/opt-out metrics was taking up the whole page.

Dropdown Item Limitation (13484)

  • Limited dropdowns to display only the first 5 items, with a scroll option for additional entries.

Ethics and Principles Assessment Special Character Issue (13338)

  • Corrected an error message that appeared when using special characters in Ethics and Principles assessments.

Ethics and Principles Export Corruption Message (13339)

  • Fixed a corruption warning message when exporting Ethics and Principles data.

Reviewer comments on assessments do not appear anywhere in the UI (13373)

Hot Fixes (Version 7.4.0)

ADA Compliance for Cookie Module Footer (13052)

  • Fixed an issue with the Cookie Module footer not focusing correctly for ADA compliance.

AI Governance Module Access for SSO Users (13402)

  • Resolved an issue preventing AI managers and users from accessing the AI governance module pages when using SSO.

Upcoming Features

Infrastructure Upgrade

  • Planned upgrades for Spring Cloud, Spring Boot, JDK, Swagger/JUNIT, and related components to enhance performance and security.

Assessment Improvements

  • Data Mapping Enhancements.
  • Enhanced verification questions based on request type, origin, and attributes.

Data Privacy Assessment Editor

  • New feature allowing organizations to customize assessment questions within the Data Privacy Assessment module.

User Roles and Permissions Update

  • Refined user roles and permissions handling for more specific access based on role and function.

SharePoint Content Scanning

  • Upcoming content scanning feature for SharePoint.

Azure DevOps Source Code Scanning

  • Planned support for source code scanning in Azure DevOps.

UI/UX Enhancements

  • Ongoing updates to improve the user interface and experience.

Hierarchical Data Types Handling in Scramble Jobs

  • Enhanced the scramble job process to better handle hierarchical data types.