Truyo Product Release Version 6.13.0


  1. Logo and Favicon Support for Webpage Formats (11880):
    • Enhanced support for logos and favicons across various webpage formats.
  2. AI Governance as Standalone Navigation Section (12314):
    • AI Governance now features its dedicated left navigation section for improved accessibility and organization.
  3. Risk Register API Configurations Enhancement (12317):
    • API configurations for the Risk Register have been updated to enable better data handling in the user interface. New status updates include: Approved, Denied, Mitigate, Out of Scope, and Removed.
    • Risk Profile functionality
  4. Modifications to AI Survey and Scanning Pages (12312):
    • Import, Export buttons, and sample links have been relocated to the bottom of the table for enhanced usability.
  5. Cookie Management Updates (12252):
    • Improved functionality in the Consent > Cookie section:
      • Added support for cookies with no topic filter.
      • Redesigned grid display for cookies without topics.
      • Removed Opt outURL columns.
      • Added search button next to Data button in Consent > Subscribers section.
  6. Customization of Accept and Decline Buttons in Cookie Plugin Settings (12343):
    • Users now have the ability to relabel and resize the Accept and Decline buttons in the cookie plugin settings for enhanced customization.
  7. Enhanced Cookie Auto Categorization Logic (12368):
    • Auto-categorization logic has been improved to prioritize purpose over topic.
    • Custom topic names stored in the cookie category master table have been replaced with default topics.
  8. Enhanced Cookie Consent and GTM Integration (12370):
    • Improved integration of Google Tag Manager (GTM) template for cookie consent, enabling more streamlined management of consent states.
  9. Integrated Google Consent Mode – gtag.js (12371):
    • Integrated Google consent mode for CCPA and other regulations, ensuring compliance with storage consent policies.

Security Updates:

  • No security updates are included in this release.

Infrastructure Update:

  • No infrastructure updates are included in this release.

Bug Fixes:

  1. SMTP Configuration Update Issue:
    • Implemented a reset to default link for changing settings to Truyo SMTP settings, preventing interruptions in service due to old credentials.
  2. Modal Display Issue with Cookie Scan Successful Message (12381):
    • Fixed the issue where the successful cookie scan modal was positioned too low and remained on the screen.

Hot Fixes (Version 6.12.0):

  • Org users are not shown verification questions when submitting a request on behalf of a customer
  • Org user creating a request for an existing requester is not seeing the verification questions
  • Consumers are not able to complete verification questions when a request is submitted from a CSR and they skip the verification questions and submit.

Upcoming Features:

  1. Infrastructure Upgrade: Upcoming upgrades for components such as Spring Cloud, Spring Boot, JDK, Swagger/JUNIT, and related elements are set to improve performance and security.
  2. Assessment Improvements:
    • SSP Generation for CMMC (Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification).
    • DOD Scoring for CMMC Assessments.
    • Data Mapping Enhancements.
  3. Email Template Editor: An advanced template editing and viewing feature for email templates will be introduced, enabling tailored communications.
  4. Verification Questions Enhancement: The verification question system will be fortified, offering different questions based on request type, origin, and attributes. Support for conditional questions, answer formatting, and required fields will be included.
  5. Data Privacy Assessment Editor: Organizations will gain the ability to customize assessment questions within the Data Privacy Assessment module, enabling tailored evaluations.
  6. Enabling AI governance feature to scan source code repositories, structured content, unstructured content and emails for presence of AI
  7. Update of the users roles and permissions handling to be more specific per user role and functions accessibility