Truyo Product Release version 5.3.0


Cookie plugin updates  (10505,10507,10511,10512)

  • Option to initiate a Do Not Sell request upon detection of the GPC signal.
  • If GPC is detected, optional notification for the consumer.
  • Support for custom javascript events: three new fields to cookie only topics
    • Enable code, Disable code and Only for Do not Sell
  • Added opted-in/opted-out topics in the “truyoConsent” cookie.
    • Updated when the user changes the option in the popup.
  • Enhanced support for Google Tag manager and potentially Adobe data collection
    • Added a flag to the topic called “Process Google Consent”
    • When the flag is set, if the topic is Deactivated/opted-out we make a call to deny the ad_storage and analsytics_storage.

New regulation filter option on request processing pages (10436)

  • Enhanced the regulation filter for the TODO pages.
    • By selecting the filter the product will only show the items associated with that regulation for that particular page.

Alternative Amend/Dispute workflow (9615)

  • Added an option to select whether or not a field is disputable.
    • Configure > Data Settings > Data Categories
    • Select an existing data field to edit and check the “Is this disputable” box in the modal.
    • Add a new data field and select the “is this disputable” check box in the modal
      • This will make the selected field one that will be available to the consumer to do a Right to Amend or Dispute request.
    • There is no change to how a disputed field is displayed in a Dispute/Amend request
      • This flow will only allow one Amend/Disputable field at a time
    • If there are no disputable fields checked then the existing workflow will be honored and no changes will be made to the requester workflow.
  • Consumer flow:
    • When raising an Amend/Dispute request the requester will be given a drop down selection that will contain the fields that were made available by the organization to select from.
    • Once selected then they have the opportunity to enter the corrected value in the text box.

Security Updates:

Ongoing security updates: (None needed in this release)

  • As part of our ongoing aggressive and proactive security plan, we have continued to increase security around the platform.
    • To date, there have been no confirmed attacks related to the issues updated.

Infrastructure Updates:

Update Kubernetes to version 1.23.8 (10550)

Bug Fixes:

Fixed a misspelling on the organization portal password change (10537)

Cursor on the forgot password link on the org portal was not using the hand icon (10538)

Wrong cursor on the organization forgot password link (10538)

Start request button for “Right to withdraw consent request” is not displaying for Utah residents in the consumer portal (10523)

Final review not showing tasks for the request details (10478)

Unable to edit/restore email templates if the HTML tags are not closed properly (10360)

Sorting by Default regulation on the requests and tasks page not being displayed when selected (10594)

Cache issue causing the status to not match when re scanning a QL connector (10569)

Hot Fixes:

These fixes were added to Version 5.2.0 prior to its production deployment

Request tasks are not visible after completion of the request (10349)

Error message displaying when a vendor attempts to open a task to be completed (10399)

User unable to close tasks due to an error message (10429)

Auto save is not working for anything beyond the second page on on the requests screen (10510)

Both Start and Renew assessment buttons are displaying after completion of an assessment (10541)

Updated Data Privacy assessment page heading to match the left navigation to say Data Privacy Assessments (10540)

Wrong breadcrumb name displaying on the view past assessments page (10539)

Disable cache on the first call to get brand by filter (performance need) (10527)

Task information is not displayed when a user clicks on the TaskId from the Task tables (10499)

Unable to edit existing Session cookies-cookie consent (10494)

Right to Opt out Automation Request processing email template missing in the Org UI (10481)

Default regulation not allowing the requests to be extended after 45 days when the default is 60 days (10572)

Requests section on the reports pages not displaying information (10571)

Unable to configure the Employment portal (10564)

Systems getting renamed upon request closure and requests being dropped as the result (10596)

Upcoming Features:

Infrastructure update

  • Updating: Spring Cloud, Spring Boot, JDK, Swagger/JUNIT fixes, and related components

Compliance reports – embedded

  • The ability for an organization to embed compliance reports to public-facing web pages

Pre categorization of cookies

  • The ability for the cookie scanner to “best guess” cookie category

Assessment Improvements

  • Plan of action and milestone report for CMMC
  • “Scan” framework assessments for potential cross population
  • Privacy Policy generator

Expansion of Framework assessments

  • Support for over 100 different assessments based on standards
  • Support for common controls framework also strict adherence to other framework types

Email template editor

  • More robust template editing and viewing

Verification questions

  • More robust verification question system, allowing different questions based on request type, request origin and other attributes.  Including conditional question support and answer formatting, as well as required fields.

Truyo Assessment Editor

  • Ability for an organization to customize questions